SIB support for Councils – Council Support Unit (CSU)
SIB’s work in supporting Councils was formalised following the Reform of Local Government in April 2015 and has been endorsed by TEO in line with its ‘letter of expectation’. The work is being taken forward on an ongoing basis across a number of programmes and projects of various scales and across a number of Council areas. The overarching aim of the Council Support Unit (CSU) is to provide support to Councils on a ‘demand-led’ basis in areas where SIB has (or can readily obtain) expertise.
The Council Support Unit was established in early 2016 following the formation of the 11 new Councils in 2015 and certain additional powers being transferred to local government. The process of engagement with Councils has resulted in a number of SIB Project Directors/Managers being embedded within several of the Councils to take forward key projects that Councils do not have the expertise or resources to take forward themselves.
Strategic Advice has also been provided to Councils across a range of areas including Asset Management, Waste Management, Transformation Regeneration/Heritage projects and Infrastructure.
The Council Support Unit:
- Currently has 9 staff embedded in 4 Councils
- Is project managing more than 30 significant projects for Councils with a capital value in excess of £600m of in 2023/24
- Is supporting a range of City/Region Growth Deal projects and Levelling-Up Funded (LUF) projects
The Council Support Unit seeks to facilitate optimum knowledge transfer to Councils, the provision of professional expertise and support to Councils, and promotes best value for money for the public purse. A core element of the Council Support Unit’s work is to support Councils to achieve the outcomes in their Corporate Plans and Community Plans.
For further information contact
Alan McVicker
Strategic Adviser & Head of Council Support Unit
Hazel King
Business Support Manager Council Support Unit