SIB is committed to ensuring our work is informed by a strong evidence base.
Good-quality advice depends on high-quality and timely information, drawing from a variety of sources.
We undertake research and analysis to inform our advice on infrastructure, supporting our vision to be “the primary source of expertise in the planning and delivery of major investments”.
Our research builds on and consolidates work we are doing. It draws on the sectoral and technical skills and experience of our team, relevant to the specific projects underway.
There is significant depth and breadth of skills in-house to inform our research.

Our team includes economists, analysts, accountants and commercial risk advisers, communication specialists, programme and project managers, quantity surveyors, planners and lawyers. We have highly experienced sector specific experts in energy, water, climate, transport, justice, education and housing.
We also work with external partners and others and will continue to build our research and evidence engagement, working with colleagues across government, academia, research providers and others.
Recent examples of research include the root cause of delays and cost overruns in major capital projects, asset management and justice.
Our research priorities for the next two years are shaped by [Infrastructure 2050], and the ISNI Enabling Action Plan which seeks to address the complex challenges impacting negatively on infrastructure planning and delivery in Northern Ireland.