Strategic Waste Infrastructure Programme

Supporting a strategic waste programme to meet the requirements of EU Directives

Current Status Active
Key Contact
Category Environmental

Project Description

In 2008, the NI Executive approved a strategic waste infrastructure programme in conjunction with local government. This recognised the challenge facing councils in meeting new landfill diversion targets through to 2020 and environmentally driven EU requirements. Having achieved the Landfill Diversion target for 2020, the focus has turned to the Circular Economy Package and more stringent targets, including a 65% recycling rate for Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) by 2035.

The original waste infrastructure programme was comprised of three major residual waste treatment projects to be delivered by the waste management groups (arc21, NWRWMG and SWaMP2008) that were set up to support the (then 26) NI Councils. Of these three original projects, only arc21 remains active. In addition to supporting the residual waste programme, SIB has undertaken several reviews of household waste arisings (2012, 2015 and 2019) on behalf of DAERA. SIB continues to work closely with NI Councils and recently undertook a Strategic Waste Review of how Councils could collaborate more effectively in relation to provision of waste services.

Project Status

  • arc21 project is still in procurement, awaiting a key planning decision
  • Review of NI Household Waste Arisings report completed Dec 2019
  • Strategic Waste Review for greater Council collaboration completed March 2020

SIB Involvement

SIB has been working with and supporting DAERA (formerly DoE) and NI’s Councils in relation to the NI Strategic Waste Programme since 2006. SIB co-funded, with DoE, a Programme Delivery Support Unit from 2007-2013 and has continued to provide strategic technical, legal and commercial advice on a range of issues associated with the infrastructure requirements. Additionally SIB sat on the Waste Programme Board and currently sits on the Strategic Waste Partnership Board in an advisory capacity. SIB continues to support both central and local government in strategic waste reviews and production of reports.